Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Our Adorable Son

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Me & Babies & Kids...

Me? Babies? hurmm...talk about babies...dedulu when i was a kid, aku x suke bdak kecik yg len..baby ke..sume x suker...jeles kalo mak, abah layan bdk kecik len..majuk majuk,nanges-nanges..sedu sedu smp..kehkehkeh...then bile dah besar baru suke dekat budak...maybe sbb dah ade ank buah kowt...YES!!mase tu baru laa dpt merase ade adek, how to change all those nappy, yak yak ker, shi shi ker...mandi kerr...layan bdk kecik yg macam2 kerenah...nanges, majuk2,moody2, hentak2 kaki kalo x dpt brg mainan kt kedai..siap ade 2 lg ank buah yg bijak mengadu...hauhauhau...mcm2 perangai dorang ni yg make me know how to handle kids...ehehe perangai x penah jumpe pon ade, soalan yg x penah dengar sume ade laa.. SERIUSS!!
Cekedout them!!
Kakak: Wan Zara Sofiya

Adik: Wan Iman Aisyah

And...NOW I KNOW HOW TO HANDLE ALL THIS KIND OF THING!!OMG cannot believe this kann..hahah but i loike this feeling...

Is it a SIGN for me to get ready to be MOMS??

Me & Babies & Kids & Me & Babies & Kids & Me & Babies & Kids...
Am I ready enough??
Are You ready??
Are WE ready??
I'm Always get Ready

Friday, November 12, 2010

Faizal Tahir Hanyut

Cakap pasal lagu Faizal Tahir neh, mmg touching abes..tp aku suke sgt2 lagu neh ngan lyric2 die skalii best...hopefully lagu Hanyut ni menang AJL this year...Really2 like it sooo Much ;p

To Faizal Tahir,
Gud job bro and go go chaiyok for AJL this year...i bet u will be a big winner this year..insyallahh...kalo nk tau 2 lg lagu FT tersenarai masuk separuh akhir - Adrenalin & Selamat Malam...layanzz...Hanyut ~~

Faizal Tahir "Hanyut"
Harus bagaimana lagi
Dan terus begini
Dengarkan aku
Lihat ke mataku
Cukup sudah kau menghukum
Salahku tetap salahku
Benarkan ku berbicara
Agar bisa pulih semula
Namun harus sampai bila
Kau kan diam seribu bahasa
Maafkanlah ku tak bisa hidup
tanpa kamu
Fahamilah ku tak mampu terus
tanpa kamu
Bagaimana ku nanti
Bila tiada mengganti
Yang ku ada hanya
Kamu saja
Saat mata terpejam
Hanya kau ku terbayang
Menghapus semua segala resah dijiwaku
Saat mata terbuka
Kamulah yang pertama
Tak mampu aku membayangkan
hidup tanpa dirimu
Aku memang bersalah
Selalu saja mengabaikanmu
Dan tapi dah ku sedari
Segala perit yang kau lalui
Ku terlupa kau terluka
Dan memang selalu aku bersalah
Selalu saja mengabaikanmu meninggalkanmu
Dan tetapi itulah aku sedari
Segala perit yang kau lalui
Kerna diriku yang terus Hanyut...
Maafkanlah ku tak bisa hidup
tanpa kamu
Bagaimana ku nant bila tiada mengganti
Yang ku ada hanya kamu saja
Bagaimana ku nanti bila kau tak disisi
Yang ku ada hanya kamu saja
~ Hanyut ~

Thursday, November 11, 2010

With or without you - Faizal Tahir

Hurmm...Arini sepanjang hari dengar lagu2 abg pejal nyanyi...lagu yg the most i loike...best giller kowt die nyanyi lagu ni...cam touching pon aderss..uhukss...

so u olls pon sila lah layanzzz skalii..Pejal! Pejal! Pejal!

Love you Abg Pejal!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Adam Lambert - If I Had You

Yes Adam Lambert...like him very much..got Style and got Glamzz...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Fall For You..."
The BEST THING 'bout tonight's that were NOT FIGHTING
could it be that we have been this way before?
I know you DONT THINK that I am TRYING
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That i will FALL FOR YOU over again
Dont make me CHANGE my MIND
Because a GIRL like you is IMPOSSIBLE to FIND
This is not what i Intended
I always SWORE to you I'd NEVER FALL APART
You ALWAYS thought that I was STRONGER
I may have FAILED, but i have LOVED you FROM THE START
Oh, but hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That i will FALL FOR YOU over again
Dont make me CHANGE my MIND
Because a girl like you is IMPOSSIBLE to FIND
So breath in so deep
Breath me in, I'M YOURS to keep
And hold on to your words cause TALK is CHEAP
And REMEMBER me tonight when you're ASLEEP
Tonight will be the night
That i will FALL FOR YOU over again
Dont make me CHANGE my MIND
Because a girl like you is IMPOSSIBLE to FIND

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Indoor Wed Pic...

Thanks to Mazni and Mat...Thank you So Much
The Kuch-Kuch Hotta Hai Scene from us...

heheh..verry the like thiss pictures...and this is US..the SCENE from US...the ACTION from US...and the POSE is actually from US...

Wedding @ KGPA

KAMI...wearing the Hijau Lace Kebaya Labuh inspired by Cosry...hahahhh yes Hijau my fav color...I Loike ;p

The Brides and The Groom...Reception at KGPA, Bukit Kiara...

My weddings....20 March 2010, Saturday...

Me @ Eastin Hotel after make-up...Thanks Kak Illa for making me a beautiful Princess on my Big Big day...Thanks to team Davency too...Thanks to all...mmuahhh

Wedding @ Johor...

"Cikaro" der...Cikaro2 ni semua kawan aku + housemate aku tau der...
single lagi dorg nehh...
Thank you so much to all my friend for coming...and memeriahkan n menghavockan lagi keadaan yg telah2 huru-harare..hahahh

Me with my bestfriend...Aliza Idris..Thanks for everything k dear ;p
Let's be the Hot Mama 2010...hehehh

This is me wearing Tradisional Purple Songket..My dream come true...mmg dari dulu lagi dah plan nk pkai baju kebaya songket..Alhamdulillaaahhh...

Time to Be a WIFE...

Askum...hehhe ni pic mase i akad NIKAH @ Masjid Kg Contoh, Kahang, Kluang...hurmm..

Thanks to all important people in my life...Thank You so Muchhh...Love u allss...Thank GOD!!

Alhamdulillahh...semua dah selamat and berjalan dgn lancar...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Finally....I'm Married

My wonderful Husband, NorSalihin Salleh,
On our wedding day, I think of all the reasons
I am blessed to be your WIFE:
You are the joy of my life.
In you I found much more than I ever hoped
more than I ever dreamed a man could be.
In your arms, I feel HAPPY, SAFE, PROTECTED.
You're my HERO, my DEFENDER, my SOUL MATE, my LOVE...
I was born for you.
There was a space in my heart that you fill perfectly.
I fall in LOVE with you again everytime I see you.
We are alike, and yet we are different.
Our similarities bond us together
and our differences keep things interesting.
And no matter what
you let me be ME, just I am.
I am so grateful for that.
I want to keep discovering you.
I LOVE so many things about you now
and I know I will find many more to LOVE.
The many little things you do to please me
touch me more than you know.
You see me with your heart,
and you always make me feel beautiful.
This is the beginning of the rest of our lives together.
We have so much happiness ahead of Us,
a lifetime of LOVE,
a lifetime to create wonderful memories.
Nothing matters more than being with you.
I LOVE YOU, I TRUST YOU, I am totally open to you.
Everything that's WOMAN in me responds to the MAN in you,
and as we become Husband and Wife,
I want you to know that there will never be
anyone else for me BUT YOU

Monday, February 8, 2010

Pre-Wedding Pic

U jump I jump!!




Friday, February 5, 2010

ni pic mase aku nk g settle everything about the nikah things kt Johor...sempat lgi pose tuuu...Pose jgn tak pose..hikhikhik

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sejak aku nk kawen nii...aku asik berangan macam2 jerr...nak cam tuu laaa...nak cam nii laaa...pkai tuu laaa kai camni laa...nak amek gamba cam tu camnii laaa...sume pon nakkk...ish ishh ishh...adakah impian menjadi reality...huhh...
and this is salah satu gambar yg aku suker bangettt nehhh...nnt nak amek gamba cammnii laaa...sukkerrr bangeetttt!!!

white kebaya with red skirts

White Kebaya with Red Skirts with Red Belt...
Ni lagi satu...ni pon aku berangan nk pakai jugakk...alaaaa naakkk...napak moden n kontemporari kann?? I loike the idea wearing red belt tuu...verryy classs u....
"Find a guy who calls u BEAUTIFUL instead of HOT, who CALLS u back when u HANG UP on him, who will LIE under the STARS and LISTEN to your HEARTBEAT, or will stay AWAKE just to watch u SLEEP...wait for the boy who KISSES your FOREHEAD instead LIPS, who wants to SHOW u OFF to the WORLD when you're in SWEATS, who HOLDS your HAND in front of his FRIENDS, who thinks you're just as PRETTY without MAKEUP on. The ONE who is constantly REMINDING you of how much he CARES and how LUCKY he is to have YOU...the one who turns to his friends and says, "That's HER"...

Purple + White

ini adelah tema belah pompuan...
Purple + White = Kelly..
puhlezzz dtg with tema...hahha n paling pentingg
bawak hadiah yerr kengkawan....hahhaha (gelak evil)...
cehh berangannn jerr aku nii...

My Wedding is just around the corner...

huhu..firstly...nervous nervous nervous...my wedding is just around the corner...OMG!!! toloonnggg....heheheh...semua perasaan ader...hehehe...satu jer aku perlukann..just ONE!! that is... a PROPER DIET...tolongg laa..i just want to look KURUS on my wedding day...uwwaaaaa...
any tips my dear fren??