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Monday, February 8, 2010

Pre-Wedding Pic

U jump I jump!!




Friday, February 5, 2010

ni pic mase aku nk g settle everything about the nikah things kt Johor...sempat lgi pose tuuu...Pose jgn tak pose..hikhikhik

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sejak aku nk kawen nii...aku asik berangan macam2 jerr...nak cam tuu laaa...nak cam nii laaa...pkai tuu laaa kai camni laa...nak amek gamba cam tu camnii laaa...sume pon nakkk...ish ishh ishh...adakah impian menjadi reality...huhh...
and this is salah satu gambar yg aku suker bangettt nehhh...nnt nak amek gamba cammnii laaa...sukkerrr bangeetttt!!!

white kebaya with red skirts

White Kebaya with Red Skirts with Red Belt...
Ni lagi satu...ni pon aku berangan nk pakai jugakk...alaaaa naakkk...napak moden n kontemporari kann?? I loike the idea wearing red belt tuu...verryy classs u....
"Find a guy who calls u BEAUTIFUL instead of HOT, who CALLS u back when u HANG UP on him, who will LIE under the STARS and LISTEN to your HEARTBEAT, or will stay AWAKE just to watch u SLEEP...wait for the boy who KISSES your FOREHEAD instead LIPS, who wants to SHOW u OFF to the WORLD when you're in SWEATS, who HOLDS your HAND in front of his FRIENDS, who thinks you're just as PRETTY without MAKEUP on. The ONE who is constantly REMINDING you of how much he CARES and how LUCKY he is to have YOU...the one who turns to his friends and says, "That's HER"...

Purple + White

ini adelah tema belah pompuan...
Purple + White = Kelly..
puhlezzz dtg with tema...hahha n paling pentingg
bawak hadiah yerr kengkawan....hahhaha (gelak evil)...
cehh berangannn jerr aku nii...

My Wedding is just around the corner...

huhu..firstly...nervous nervous nervous...my wedding is just around the corner...OMG!!! toloonnggg....heheheh...semua perasaan ader...hehehe...satu jer aku perlukann..just ONE!! that is... a PROPER DIET...tolongg laa..i just want to look KURUS on my wedding day...uwwaaaaa...
any tips my dear fren??