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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Me & Babies & Kids...

Me? Babies? hurmm...talk about babies...dedulu when i was a kid, aku x suke bdak kecik yg len..baby ke..sume x suker...jeles kalo mak, abah layan bdk kecik len..majuk majuk,nanges-nanges..sedu sedu smp..kehkehkeh...then bile dah besar baru suke dekat budak...maybe sbb dah ade ank buah kowt...YES!!mase tu baru laa dpt merase ade adek, how to change all those nappy, yak yak ker, shi shi ker...mandi kerr...layan bdk kecik yg macam2 kerenah...nanges, majuk2,moody2, hentak2 kaki kalo x dpt brg mainan kt kedai..siap ade 2 lg ank buah yg bijak mengadu...hauhauhau...mcm2 perangai dorang ni yg make me know how to handle kids...ehehe perangai x penah jumpe pon ade, soalan yg x penah dengar sume ade laa.. SERIUSS!!
Cekedout them!!
Kakak: Wan Zara Sofiya

Adik: Wan Iman Aisyah

And...NOW I KNOW HOW TO HANDLE ALL THIS KIND OF THING!!OMG cannot believe this kann..hahah but i loike this feeling...

Is it a SIGN for me to get ready to be MOMS??

Me & Babies & Kids & Me & Babies & Kids & Me & Babies & Kids...
Am I ready enough??
Are You ready??
Are WE ready??
I'm Always get Ready

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